AMIGA presentations provide an overview of how the project seeks to transform graduate admissions. They highlight the need for student diversity and faculty development along with providing an overview and specifics of holistic review.
An overview of holistic review, including rubrics, unconscious bias and non-cognitive attributes presented by faculty participants, Dr. Desiree Martin and Dr. Ellen Hartigan-O’Connor to participating departments.
Invitation to present the AMIGA project to the annual Mellon Mays Coordinator Conference by UC Davis’ Co-PI, Dr. Josephine Moreno and faculty participants, Drs. Zoe Drayson and John Slater. Held in New Mexico, the MMUF Coordinator Conference gathers faculty and staff coordinators from the many grants funded at colleges and universities across the U.S. and in South Africa. The presentation took place on March 24, 2019.
An overview of holistic review and goals of the AMIGA project was presented by co-PI, Dr. Josephine Moreno and faculty participant, Dr. Santiago Barreda UC Davis Graduate Council on January 31, 2019.
A Presentation to UCOP’s Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA) on January 9, 2019. Presenters AVC Raquel Aldana, Associate Professor John Slater, and Graduate Diversity Officer and Co-PI, Josephine Moreno addressed how holistic review has significant potential to replace the use of standardized test scores to admit talented new graduate students while simultaneously addressing equity, diversity and inclusion.
Presentation of the AMIGA project to UCOP’s Council of Vice Chancellors by UC Davis’ EVCP and Project PI, Ralph Hexter, co-PI, Dr. Josephine Moreno, and Interim VP&GD Jean-Pierre Delplanque and UCLA’s VP&GD Robin Garrell and. The presentation included AMIGA project overview and goals on October 15, 2018
This presentation provides a foundation for those new to holistic review, including the use of standardized test scores and achieving diversity in Prop 209 environment.
This presentation builds on the basics of the Essentials presentations for departments ready to move forward with developing and implementing custom evaluative rubrics and norming the rubric for consistent review.